- Patients are often unaware that they are at increased risk for a severe course of COVID-19 1 . Even when only mild symptoms are present, timely recognition and action can help prevent it from getting more severe.
- The Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener helps users in Germany determine if they are at risk of progression to severe COVID-19.
- Based on guidelines, users receive a reliable assessment of their individual risk of progression to severe COVID-19 course and recommendations for action, which, for example, suggest testing for SARS-CoV-2 or inform them about potential treatment options.
- The tool is certified as a medical device in the EU. It is available for free online through the Ada Health app or Ada website and was developed by Ada Health with funding from Pfizer.
Berlin, October 4th, 2023 – Ada Health GmbH (“Ada”), a global digital health pioneer, today announces the launch of Ada’s new COVID-19 risk and therapy screener, referred to as “Charlie”, developed with financial support from Pfizer. The name Charlie is a German acronym (COVID-19 Hilfe von Ada zu Risiko sowie leitlinien-basierten, individuellen Eingriffsmöglichkeitenthat), for Ada’s COVID-19 help on risk and guideline-based, individual intervention options. The free online self-assessment tool is designed to help individuals determine if they are at increased risk of progression to severe COVID-19 disease based on official medical guidelines.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, more than 175,000 people have died of COVID-19 in Germany. 2 Infections with SARS-CoV-2 still cause hospitalizations 3 and contributed to almost 9,000 deaths in the first half of 2023. 4 In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases have been rising again 5 , and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) believes that SARS-CoV-2 will be with us permanently. 6
High-risk patients, in particular, are severely affected
Millions of people in Germany live with one or more risk factors for severe COVID-19. 7 These include being aged 60 or older, pregnancy, smoking, obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2), and certain pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or asthma. 1 Often, however, those affected are unaware of their increased risk.
“Tackling diseases like COVID-19 quickly and effectively is essential to improve people’s well-being and livelihoods and to alleviate the high burden these diseases place on healthcare systems and economies worldwide. Digital health tools, such as our Ada Risk and Therapy Screener, can help achieve this,” says Daniel Nathrath, CEO and co-founder of Ada Health, adding, “They are not intended to replace medical diagnosis, but to be seen as a support tool.”
Charlie can help people self-determine whether they are at increased risk of progression to severe COVID-19 using a questionnaire. All information follows the recommendations of the RKI specialist group COVRIIN, the RKI and the S3 guidelines of the AWMF (in the version valid until September 11, 2023, currently in adaptation process). From the respective answers of the users, the tool derives individual recommendations for action, which, for example, suggest testing for SARS-CoV-2 or inform them about the suitability for therapeutic options. In this way, it can help increase testing and COVID-19 awareness.
“Digital health apps and tools, such as the Ada COVID-19 risk and therapy screener, have the potential to provide guideline-based, informed support to people along their diagnosis and treatment pathway in everyday practice. They can improve the care process by providing early information about potential risk factors and raising awareness of available treatments,” says Dr. Daniel Kalanovic, Medical Director of Pfizer Germany. “When COVID-19 symptoms occur, it can be crucial, especially for people who are at risk of a severe course of the disease, to consult a doctor early on in order to be able to start an individualized treatment and positively influence the progression of the disease.”
Users can access Charlie via the Ada website 8 or the Ada Health app (available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store) to learn about their individual risk for severe COVID-19 progression and receive information on current treatment options. Patients can then discuss the information received with their doctors based on the electronic form or a printout.
The Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener, ‘Charlie’, is intended to inform users whether they are at increased risk for severe COVID-19 disease and whether drug therapy may be an option for them. The Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener is not intended to influence treatment decisions. All treatment decisions must be made in consultation with a healthcare professional in light of the patient’s individual situation. The health information provided herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace a physician consultation. Pfizer Pharma GmbH (“Pfizer”) has provided financial support to Ada Health GmbH (“Ada”) for the creation of the Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener. Pfizer does not receive personal data or user responses from Ada. Information about the Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener is shared by Ada with Pfizer only in summary and anonymous form. All information follows the recommendations of the RKI specialist group COVRIIN, the RKI and the S3 guidelines of the AWMF (in the version valid until September 11, 2023, currently in adaptation process). If you have health complaints, talk to your doctor. In case of a medical emergency, call 112. The Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener should only be used by individuals who are at least 18 years of age. However, it is important to note that there are drug therapies for COVID-19 that may be appropriate for individuals under 18 years of age. For more information and recommendations, please contact your healthcare provider. The Ada COVID-19 Risk and Therapy Screener is only available to users located in Germany.
About Ada Health
Ada is a global health company founded by doctors, scientists, and industry pioneers to create new possibilities for personal health and transform knowledge into better outcomes. Its core system connects medical knowledge with intelligent technology to help people actively manage their health and health systems to deliver more effective care.
Ada’s technology is available to tens of millions of users around the world through Ada’s free consumer app and through enterprise partnerships. Find out more at https://ada.com.
- RKI: COVID-19-Therapieempfehlungen: Interaktive Orientierungshilfe für Ärztinnen und Ärzte. Verfügbar unter: https://www.dgiin.de/covriin/index.html#/; accessed on 7.9.2023.
- Corona Pandemieradar (2023): Todesfälle. Available at: https://corona-pandemieradar.de/todesfaelle; accessed on 7.9.2023.
- Corona Pandemieradar (2023): Hospitalisierungsinzidenz. Available at: https://corona-pandemieradar.de/hospitalisierungsinzidenz; accessed on 7.9.2023.
- RKI (2023): Todesfälle nach Sterbedatum (Stand 15.06.2023). Available at: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Projekte_RKI/COVID-19_Todesfaelle.html; accessed on 7.9.2023.
- RKI (2023): ARE-Wochenbericht des RKI 38/2023. Available at: https://influenza.rki.de/Wochenberichte/2022_2023/2023-38.pdf; accessed on 29.9.2023
- RKI (2023): Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ) zu akuten Atemwegserkrankungen und COVID-19. Available at: https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/COVID-19/FAQ-gesamt.html; accessed on 29.9.2023.
- RKI (2021): Journal of Health Monitoring. Special Issue 2.
- Ada Health (2023): COVID-19 Risiko- und Therapie-Screener. Available at: https://ada.com/de/covid/risiko-und-therapiescreener/ accessed on 19.9.2023.